2011. február 12., szombat

“True Blood” fanatic policeman goes wacko

In an incident which has caused real Vampi(y)res yet more discomfort, a news report today tells of how a man repeatedly bit the neck of a 3 year old child in his care – and then blamed the whole thing on an episode of “True Blood” which he had been watching with the boy.  

According to Sheboygan Press, Police report that a man who watched ‘True Blood’ left bites on the neck of a three year old boy left in his care by the mother. Mark R. Adams Jr. is in trouble with the cops for making three bite marks on the neck of a 3-year-old boy he was babysitting. Adams claimed he was “playing vampire” after watching True Blood with the boy.

In this case, however, Adams doesn’t appear to be claiming to be an actual vampire. He’s just saying he and the boy were watching an age restricted show which happens to feature sex, blood and vampires, and he was only “goofing around” when he bit the boy on his neck. Three times.
It will be interesting to see how critics of the Vampi(y)re Community, eager to complain about the attention vampires and “the occult” receive on TV, take this incident up.

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