2011. február 24., csütörtök

Who’s The Better Role Model – Elena Or Bella?

One of entertainment’s many battles is Elena versus Bella – who is prettier, who has a better vampire boyfriend, who is the better role model… and the list goes on and on. But today, we’re going to discuss the latter, who is the better role model? Is it Twilight’s Bella or The Vampire Diaries’ Elena? Personally, I’m voting for Elena, I love her character and absolutely despise Bella, here’s why:

1. Bella is weak and helpless. She’s your classic pathetic damsel in distress. She constantly needs to be rescued by her big strong men, since she is incapable of saving herself. However, Elena is a badass that has no problem fighting for herself. Yes, she also has men protecting her, but in the end she doesn’t need them. Do you remember the last episode? Elena took down an ancient vampire all on her own! I’d like to see Bella attempt that.
2. Bella is a huge pushover. She lets Edward and Jacob boss her around constantly and puts up with Edward’s ridiculous passive aggression. When she does try to stand up for herself, she gets shot right back down and that’s that. Elena on the other hand, well, that girl calls the shots. She tells it how it is and flat out said that they’re going to do things her way. She lets her voice be heard; she doesn’t sulk and shut up.
3. Bella can’t function on her own. When Edward left her she turned into a giant sack of crazy. She flipped the fuck out and turned into a suicidal mess. During Elena and Stefan’s break, she flat out said, “I’m not going to be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy.”
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