2011. február 27., vasárnap

Vampire Sex & ‘Breaking Dawn’ by Peter Facinelli

Interesting interview on Vampires.com...
"The Breaking Dawn flicks may still be in the process of filming but that’s not stopping the actors from going out and sharing all sorts of goodies about the last two Twilight movies with fans. Access Hollywood recently got with Peter Facinelli, better known as Dr. Carlisle Cullen, to chat about the films and… vampire sex.
Peter was pretty hush hush about the secrets of Breaking Dawn, but the interviewer did manage to get him talking by asking one question we all want the answer to:
“Just give us a small nugget for all the Twi-hards…something like, is there vampire sex?”
“Well, yeah, for sure,” Peter joked. “Not for Carlisle, he’s 350!”
“Viagra can’t even help him at that point!” added the interviewer.
“Vampire Viagra,” Peter said with a laugh.
Peter then moved on to the actual films, saying that he’s excited about the plot developments.
“We have baby vampires, lots of fun stuff going on in that movie. Eclipse was my favorite book, but I think Breaking Dawn is my favorite script. I really like what they did with them. There’s a lot of fun surprises for the audience.”
Read more HERE.

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